“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for the them in the inn.” Luke 2:6-7
Can you imagine being the person who told the parents of the “Savior of the World” I have no room for you?!? In hindsight it seems crazy to think that Jesus was born in a manger, if anyone knew who he would become he should have had the best facilities available right?
But here is the question. How often do you tell Jesus with your words, thoughts, or actions that you have no time or room for him? See I’m afraid far too often we are like the inn keeper, (or the family of Jesus’ parents, as some scholars believe), who say we are all out of room in our lives. I have work, I have a family, I have exercise, I have school etc. and on and on, but I have no room for Jesus! Don’t you know how busy I am celebrating Christmas? All the parties, all the gifts, all of the shopping? I have no room!
There is hope though! Whether it was the same person or someone different, someone decides to offer Jesus their “mess”. They didn’t try to clean up first and then give it to him. They gave the Savior of the World a dirty manger. A place where animals were kept. And there He was born! Our Savior!
Won’t you make ROOM for the Savior this Christmas, and don’t wait until you get things cleaned up and all put together (That will never happen.) Give him your mess and he can take a dirty manger and turn it into something that changes the world!