Nothing Like a Good Sumo Cartoon

Well the Steeler’s Playoff Run didn’t last very long, so I’ve been down on the Steeler cartoons and needed to move onto something else.  So I thought, why not make a sumo cartoon?  I don’t know it doesn’t really make sense but here is my latest called Sumo Boomo!

sumo boomo

Sumo Boomo!


Angry Squash – Cartoon!

angry squash

Angry Squash – From the Squash-o-Lantern Family

I love the fall season.  Autumn leaves, Premier League Soccer, NFL Football, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Cider and Halloween cartoons!  Here’s my latest – The Angry Squash!  I’ll probably put a coloring page up of him soon!

Mobacca the Soccer Player

Right now I’m pretty busy running summer sports camps @ Skybacher Ministries.  I don’t have much time for cartoons and graphic design but I do occasionally complete a cartoon of one of the characters I act out during the camp.  This guy here is an all-time fan favorite.  Mobacca is a Jamaican soccer player who makes fruit smoothies for the campers!  It’s great fun.  This here was a design I made for t-shirts. So here he is Mobacca!


J-Mo and D.J. Blenda In Da House (or Locker)

I’ve been working a basketball camp all week for Skybacher Ministries.  I always do a character called J-Mo who is kind of an Urban Hip-Hop Basketball Player Wannabe.  He brings along his friend D.J. Blenda.  Both characters are a big hit with the kids!  So this is a cartoon of those two beloved camp characters.

j mo blenda.new2011

DJ Blenda and J-Mo 2011